2-years technical assistance activities:
- Water balance, non-revenue water assessment, design and implementation of action plans: GIS, Network modelling, SCADA, leak detection, metering, commercial management, operations & maintenance, asset management, information communication technology
- Technical specification/procedures definition
- Human resources and capacity development
- Institutional reinforcement
Elaboration of action programs in 4 priority areas in different cities, with general and system progress monitoring, including:
- Pilot deployment of SISPER software for the monitoring of the non-revenue water performance indicators evaluation
- Pressure and flow measuring campaigns
- Network zoning
- Network/water users mapping verification and update
- Water consumption profiles
- Water meters’ tests
- Visible and non-visible leak detection
- Energy consumption audit and balances
Multidisciplinary and intersectoral training activities in 5 subject areas:
Social mobilization, prevention, reduction and control of real losses, prevention, reduction and control of apparent losses, energy management, assets management and planning.